Please Download and print the following form, Switch Credit Application Form, complete it, and return to our address at: Unit 3, Wilson Business Park, Harper Way, Markham Vale, Derbyshire S44 5JX.
Alternatively please fill out the following online form.
All orders are accepted subject to our standard conditions of sale as herein printed. Unless expressly accepted in writing any qualifications of these
conditions in a customer's form must be deemed to be and will be treated as inapplicable.
All orders received by the company will be executed subject to prices ruling at date of despatch, and any price list published or shall not affect the right
of the company to charge for goods in accordance with this clause. Verbal qualifications shall be affected by these conditions whilst written quotations,
unless specifically stating a period of validity, shall in effect be withdrawn.
Quotations are open for acceptance within 30 days from the date of quotation and unless accepted within that period will be deemed to have been
a. The delivery period quoted is an estimate only and will commence from acknowledgement by the company of a written order accompanied
by sufficient information to enable the company to proceed with the order. Provided that the company takes all reasonable steps to deliver the
goods at the time stated the company shall be under no liability for failure to do so. Unless otherwise stated carriage and packing are charged
extra and the company reserves the right to deliver in more than one consignment,
b. Where the purchaser fails to accept delivery of the goods they will be stored at the purchaser's risk and expense. Default by the purchaser for
more than one month entitles the company to suspend or terminate the contract so far as it remains unperformed and to recover damages for
Terms of Payment
Payment is due 30 days from the end of the month following the month of invoice unless otherwise confirmed in writing.
An interest charge of 2% above the Bank of England base rate may be charged on invoices which are overdue for payment.
a. The company will at its discretion, refund the price of goods, or repair or replace free of charge any of the goods found to its satisfaction to be
defective within 12 months of the date of delivery owing to faulty design, materials or workmanship provided that the goods have not been
modified other than by the company, and have been operated, repaired and maintained with the company's and its supplier's and the
manufacturer's recommendations for use (if any), and provided that the company's liability under this condition shall in no circumstances extend
beyond the corresponding liability owed by the supplier or manufacturer to the company.
b. The goods will be supplied to the manufacturers current standard specification and finish.
c. The company makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of technical data or literature relating to the goods, but as this will normally be generated
by the manufacturers the company does not warrant the accuracy thereof.
d. Unless otherwise agreed in writing the purchaser shall satisfy himself as to the suitability for the application intended by the purchaser of any
lighting design or other design work carried out by the company. Where, however, services provided by the company fail to achieve the objective
specifications accepted by the company as part of the order or contract, the company shall take such steps as shall be reasonable to achieve
such specification.
e. Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the company's negligence, the company shall not be liable to the purchaser by reason
of any representation, or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law or under express terms of the contract
with the purchaser, for any consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise) costs, expenses or other claims for consequential
compensation whatsoever (and whether caused by the negligence of the company its employees or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in
connection with the supply of the goods or their use or resale by the purchaser except as expressly provided in these conditions.
f. Where the goods are sold under a consumer transaction (as defined by the consumer transactions (Restrictions on Statements) Order 1976) the
statutory rights of the purchaser are not by these conditions.
Ownership of Goods
Title of the goods supplied shall not pass to the customer until payment has been made in full.
The company reserves the right to recover any goods relating to invoices which are overdue for payment and for which payment has not been made.
The company will not be held responsible for any costs incurred under liability clauses by installers of the company's products in the event of an
appointed purchaser failing to comply with the company's terms of payment resulting in the suspension of deliveries until such default is made good.
SHORTAGES or DAMAGE in transit must be notified to us within 24 hours of delivery.
Goods will not be accepted by return for credit unless previously agreed and may be liable to a handling charge.
Force Majeure
The company shall not be under any liability whatsoever in respect of any delay or failure to deliver any of the goods due directly or indirectly to any
cause of whatsoever nature, or howsoever arising, not within the reasonable control of the company, including but not limited to act of god, war,
invasion, rebellion, riot, commotion, disorder, malicious damage, fire, flood, tempest, epidemic, quarantine restriction, strikes or other industrial
disputes, lockouts, freight embargoes, unusually severe weather, shortage of raw materials of energy supplies, transportation delays and failure to
sub-contractors or supplier's to perform and the delivery date shall be extended by a period equal to the duration of such delay. In the event of such
extension of the delivery date exceeding the period of six months, the contract shall unless otherwise agreed in writing by the company and purchaser
so far as it remains unperformed be deemed to be terminated but without prejudice to the rights of either party arising before the date of termination.
Value Added Tax
Value Added Tax will be charged at the appropriate rate and will be shown on the invoice.
Health and Safety
All goods supplied by the company should be installed, used, cleaned, maintained or alike in accordance with the relevant information or advice
relating to such matters made available by the manufacturer, designer, importer, supplier or the company.
Any question relating to any quotation or any order or contract shall be determined in accordance with English Law.